Each basket features an exquisite assortment of high-quality items, handpicked with care to bring joy and surprise to the recipient.
Each gift basket is carefully hand-wrapped in a layer of clear, glossy cellophane, allowing the vibrant contents to be beautifully showcased. Tied with a delicate, luxurious bow, this thoughtful presentation adds a personal touch that enhances the excitement and charm of the gift.
The “Royal Treat” gift basket offers a luxurious selection of chocolates, including Guylian truffles, Walker’s chocolate toffee, and World’s Finest double chocolate. It also features savory snacks like sesame crackers, caramel popcorn, chocolate pretzels, mixed nuts, and a brie-flavored cheese spread. Indulge in hazelnut-flavored coffee, mixed dried fruit, and Brown & Haley Cashew Roca. A wine coaster adds an elegant touch, making this basket the perfect combination of sweet and savory treats for any occasion.
Weight | 2 kg |
Kosher |
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